Life in Technicolor II

Life in Technicolor II är en låt av Coldplay. Låten utgavs som singel den 2 februari 2009 och återfinns på EP:n Prospekt's March.

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Guy Berryman Jonny Buckland Will Champion Chris Martin
Parachutes (2000) A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002) X&Y (2005) Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends (2008) Mylo Xyloto (2011) Ghost Stories (2014) A Head Full of Dreams (2015) Everyday Life (2019) Music of the Spheres (2021)
"Brothers & Sisters" "Shiver" "Yellow" "Trouble" "Don't Panic" "In My Place" "The Scientist" "Clocks" "God Put a Smile upon Your Face" "Moses" "Speed of Sound" "Fix You" "Talk" "The Hardest Part" "White Shadows" "Violet Hill" "Viva la Vida" "Lost!" "Lovers in Japan" "Lhuna" "Life in Technicolor II" "Strawberry Swing" "Christmas Lights" "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" "Paradise" "Charlie Brown" "Princess of China" "Up with the Birds"