Kuali Gundestrup

Kuali Gundestrup

Kuali Gundestrup adalah sebuah bejana perak yang kaya akan dekorasi, yang berasal dari antara tahun 200 SM dan 300 M,[1][2] atau setidaknya antara 150 SM dan 1 SM,[3] Ini menempatkannya dalam akhir periode La Tène atau awal Zaman Besi Romawi.


  1. ^ Nielsen, S; Andersen, J; Baker, J; Christensen, C; Glastrup, J; et al. (2005). “The Gundestrup cauldron: New scientific and technical investigations”, Acta Archaeologica, 76: 1-58. ISSN 0065-101X
  2. ^ Jouttijärvi, Arne (2009), “The Gundestrup Cauldron: Metallurgy and Manufacturing Techniques”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24: 960-966. ISSN 1042-6914
  3. ^ NMD, "The dating and origin of the silver cauldron"; Koch


  • Green, Miranda, Celtic Art, Reading the Messages, 1996, The Everyman Art Library, ISBN 0297833650
  • Koch, John ed., "Gundestrup cauldron" in Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia, 2006, ABC-CLIO, ISBN 1851094407, 9781851094400, google books
  • "Laings", Lloyd Laing and Jennifer Laing. Art of the Celts: From 700 BC to the Celtic Revival, 1992, Thames & Hudson (World of Art), ISBN 0500202567
  • "Megaws" = Megaw, Ruth and Vincent, Celtic Art, 1989, Thames and Hudson, ISBN 0500050503
  • "NMD" = "The Gundestrup Cauldron", National Museum of Denmark, web section, accessed on 1 February, 2016
  • Sandars, Nancy K., Prehistoric Art in Europe, Penguin (Pelican, now Yale, History of Art), 1968 (nb 1st edn.)

Bacaan tambahan

  • Kaul, Fleming (ed), Thracian Tales on the Gundestrup Cauldron, 1991, Najade Press, ISBN 9073835011, 9789073835016