Zerrenda:Disneyren animaziozko film klasikoak

Artikulu edo pasarte honek eduki, gramatika, hiztegi edota ortografia akatsak ditu.
Lagundu nahi baduzu, zuzendu ezazu.

Walt Disney Animation Studios animazio ekoiztetxeak egindako filmeen zerrenda, Disneyren film klasikoak bezala ezagunak.


# Filma Estreinaldi data Zuzendaria(k) Gidoigilea(k) Ekoizlea(k)
1 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1937ko abenduaren 21a Zuzendari ikuskatzailea: David Hand
Sekuentzia zuzendariak: Billy Cottrell, Wilfred Jackson, Larry Morey, Perce Pearce, & Ben Sharpsteen
Istorioa/Gidoia Dorothy Ann Blank, Richard Creedon, Merrill De Maris, Otto Englander, Earl Hurd, Dick Rickard, Ted Sears & Webb Smith
Oinarria: Edurnezuri, Grimm anaiak
Walt Disney
2 Pinocchio 1940ko otsailaren 7a Zuzendari ikuskatzaileak: Hamilton Luske & Ben Sharpsteen
Sekuentzia zuzendariak: Norman Ferguson, Jack Kinney, Wilfred Jackson, T. Hee, & Bill Roberts
Istorioa/Gidoia: Aurelius Battaglia, Billy Cottrell, Otto Englander, Erdman Penner, Joseph Sabo, Ted Sears & Webb Smith
Oinarria: Pinotxoren abenturak, Carlo Collodi
3 Fantasia 1940ko azaroaren 13a James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, Ford Beebe, Norm Ferguson, David Hand, Jim Handley, T. Hee, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, & Ben Sharpsteen Oinarria: Der Zauberlehrling, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Walt Disney & Ben Sharpsteen
4 Dumbo 1941eko urriaren 23a Zuzendari ikuskatzailea: Ben Sharpsteen
Sekuentzia zuzendariak: Samuel Armstrong, Norman Ferguson, Wilfred Jackson, Jack Kinney, & Bill Roberts
Istorioa/Gidoia: Otto Englander, Joe Grant & Dick Huemer
Oinarria: Dumbo, the Flying Elephant, Helen Aberson eta Harold Pearl
Walt Disney
5 Bambi 1942ko abuztuaren 13a Zuzendari ikuskatzailea: David Hand
Sekuentzia zuzendariak: James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, Graham Heid, Bill Roberts, Paul Satterfield, & Norman Wright
Istorioa/Gidoia: Chuck Couch, Carl Fallberg, Larry Morey, Perce Pearce, Mel Shaw, Vernon Stallings & Ralph Wright
Oinarria: Bambi, basoetako bizitza, Felix Salten
6 Saludos Amigos 1943ko otsailaren 6a Norm Ferguson, Wilfred Jackson, Jack Kinney, Hamilton Luske, & Bill Roberts Homer Brightman, Joe Grant, Dick Huemer, Harold Reeves, Roy Williams, Ralph Wright
7 The Three Caballeros 1945eko otsailaren 3a Zuzendari ikuskatzailea: Norm Ferguson
Sekuentzia zuzendariak: Clyde Geronimi, Jack Kinney, Bill Roberts, & Harold Young
James Bodrero, Homer Brightman, Del Connell, Billy Cottrell, Bill Peet, Elmer Plummer, Ted Sears, Ernest Terrazas, Roy Williams & Ralph Wright
8 Make Mine Music 1946ko apirilaren 20a Clyde Geronimi, Jack Kinney, Hamilton Luske, Joshua Meador, & Robert Cormack Istorioa/Gidoia: James Bodrero, Homer Brightman, Erwin Graham, Eric Gurney, T. Hee, Sylvia Holland, Dick Huemer, Dick Kelsey, Dick Kinney, Jesse Marsh, Tom Oreb, Cap Palmer, Erdman Penner, Dick Shaw, John Walbridge & Roy Williams
Oinarria: Casey at the Bat, Ernest Thayer & Pedro eta otsoa, Sergei Prokofiev
9 Fun and Fancy Free 1947ko irailaren 27a Jack Kinney, Hamilton Luske, William Morgan, & Bill Roberts Istorioa/Gidoia: Homer Brightman, Eldon Dedini, Lance Nolley, Tom Oreb, Harry Reeves & Ted Sears
Oinarria: Little Bear Bongo, Sinclair Lewis & Jack and the Beanstalk, Benjamin Tabart
10 Melody Time 1948ko maiatzaren 27a Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Jack Kinney, & Hamilton Luske Istorioa/Gidoia: Ken Anderson, Homer Brightman, Billy Cottrell, Winston Hibler, Jesse Marsh, Bob Moore, Erdman Penner, Harry Reeves, Joe Rinaldi, Ted Sears, Art Scott & John Walbridge
Oinarria: Johnny Appleseeden bizitza, Little Toot, Hardie Gramatky, Trees, Joyce Kilmer & Pecos Bill
11 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad 1949ko urriaren 5a James Algar, Clyde Geronimi, & Jack Kinney Istorioa/Gidoia: Homer Brightman, Winston Hibler, Erdman Penner, Harry Reeves, Joe Rinaldi & Ted Sears
Oinarria: The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame & The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving
12 Cinderella 1950eko otsailaren 15a Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, & Hamilton Luske Istorioa/Gidoia: Ken Anderson, Homer Brightman, Winston Hibler, Bill Peet, Erdman Penner, Harry Reeves, Joe Rinaldi & Ted Sears
Oinarria: Errauskine, Charles Perrault
13 Alice in Wonderland 1951ko uztailaren 28a Istorioa/Gidoia: Milt Banta, Del Connell, Billy Cottrell, Joe Grant, Winston Hibler, Dick Huemer, Dick Kelsey, Tom Oreb, Bill Peet, Erdman Penner, Joe Rinaldi, Ted Sears & John Walbridge
Oinarria: Aliceren abenturak Lurralde Miresgarrian & Ispiluan barrena eta Alicek han aurkitu zuena, Lewis Carroll
14 Peter Pan 1953ko otsailaren 5a Istorioa/Gidoia: Milt Banta, Billy Cottrell, Winston Hibler, Bill Peet, Erdman Penner, Joe Rinaldi, Ted Sears & Ralph Wright
Oinarria: Peter and Wendy, J. M. Barrie
15 Lady and the Tramp 1955eko ekainaren 22a Istorioa/Gidoia: Don DaGradi, Erdman Penner, Joe Rinaldi & Ralph Wright
Oinarria: Happy Dan, the Cynical Dog, Ward Greene
16 Sleeping Beauty 1959ko urtarrilaren 29a Zuzendari ikuskatzailea: Clyde Geronimi
Sekuentzia zuzendariak: Les Clark, Eric Larson, & Wolfgang Reitherman
Istorioa/Gidoia: Milt Banta, Winston Hibler, Bill Peet, Erdman Penner, Joe Rinaldi, Ted Sears & Ralph Wright
Oinarria: Loti Ederra, Charles Perrault & Dornröschen, Grimm anaiak
17 One Hundred and One Dalmatians 1961eko urtarrilaren 25a Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske, & Wolfgang Reitherman Istorioa/Gidoia: Bill Peet
Oinarria: The Hundred and One Dalmatians, Dodie Smith
18 The Sword in the Stone 1963ko abenduaren 25a Wolfgang Reitherman Istoria/Gidoia: Bill Peet
Oinarria: The Sword in the Stone, T. H. White
19 The Jungle Book 1967ko urriaren 18a Istorioa/Gidoia: Ken Anderson, Larry Clemmons, Vance Gerry & Ralph Wright
Oinarria: Oihaneko liburua, Rudyard Kipling
20 The Aristocats 1970eko abenduaren 24a Istorioa/Gidoia: Ken Anderson, Larry Clemmons, Eric Cleworth, Vance Gerry, Julius Svendsen, Frank Thomas & Ralph Wright
Oinarria: The Secret Origin of The Aristocats, Tom McGowan & Tom Rowe
Winston Hibler & Reitherman
21 Robin Hood 1973ko azaroaren 8a Istorioa/Gidoia: Ken Anderson, Larry Clemmons, Eric Cleworth, Vance Gerry, Dave Michener, Julius Svendsen & Frank Thomas
Oinarria: Robin Hooden kondaira
22 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 1977ko martxoaren 11 John Lounsbery & Wolfgang Reitherman Istorioa/Gidoia: Ken Anderson, X Atencio, Ted Berman, Larry Clemmons, Eric Cleworth, Vance Gerry, Winston Hibler, Julius Svendsen & Ralph Wright
Oinarria: Winnie the Pooh liburu-saila, A. A. Milne
23 The Rescuers 1977ko ekainaren 22a John Lounsbery, Wolfgang Reitherman, & Art Stevens Istorioa/Gidoia: Ken Anderson, Ted Berman, Larry Clemmons, Vance Gerry, Fred Lucky, Burny Mattinson, David Michener, Dick Sebast & Frank Thomas
Oinarria: The Rescuers liburu-saila, Margery Sharp
Reitherman and Ron W. Miller
24 The Fox and the Hound 1981eko uztailaren 10a Ted Berman, Richard Rich, & Art Stevens Istorioa/Gidoia: Berman, Larry Clemmons, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Earl Kress, Burny Mattinson, David Michener & Peter Young
Oinarria: The Fox and the Hound, Daniel P. Mannix
Ron W. Miller, Wolfgang Reitherman & Stevens
25 The Black Cauldron 1985eko uztailaren 24a Ted Berman & Richard Rich Istorioa/Gidoia: Berman, Vance Gerry, Joe Hale, David Jonas, Roy Morita, Rich, Art Stevens, Al Wilson & Peter Young
Oinarria: The Chronicles of Prydain liburu-saila, Lloyd Alexander
Joe Hale & Ron W. Miller
26 The Great Mouse Detective 1986ko uztailaren 2a Ron Clements, Burny Mattinson, David Michener & John Musker Istorioa/Gidoia: Clements, Vance Gerry, Steve Hulett, Mattinson, Michener, Bruce M. Morris, Musker, Matthew O'Callaghan, Melvin Shaw & Peter Young
Oinarria: Basil of Baker Street liburu-saila, Eve Titus
27 Oliver & Company 1988ko azaroaren 18a George Scribner Gidoia: Jim Cox, Timothy J. Disney & James Mangold
Inspirazioa: Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens
Kathleen Gavin
28 The Little Mermaid 1989ko azaroaren 17a Ron Clements & John Musker Istorioa/Gidoia: Clements & Musker
Oinarria: Sirenatxoa, Hans Christian Andersen
Musker & Howard Ashman
29 The Rescuers Down Under 1990eko azaroaren 16a Hendel Butoy & Mike Gabriel Gidoia: Jim Cox, Karey Kirkpatrick, Joe Ranft & Byron Simpson
Oinarria: The Rescuers liburu-saila, Margery Sharp
Thomas Schumacher
30 Beauty and the Beast 1991ko azaroaren 22a Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise Gidoia: Linda Woolverton
Oinarria: Ederra eta piztia, Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont
Don Hahn
31 Aladdin 1992ko azaroaren 25a Ron Clements & John Musker Gidoia: Clements, Ted Elliott, Musker & Terry Rossio
Oinarria: Aladino eta kriseilu miragarria (Mila gau eta bat gehiago)
Clements & Musker
32 The Lion King 1994ko ekainaren 24a Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff Gidoia: Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts & Linda Woolverton
Inspirazioa: Hamlet, William Shakespeare
Don Hahn
33 Pocahontas 1995eko ekainaren 23a Mike Gabriel & Eric Goldberg Istorioa/Gidoia: Carl Binder, Susannah Grant & Philip LaZebnik
Inspirazioa: Pocahontasen bizitza
James Pentecost
34 The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1996ko ekainaren 21a Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise Istorioa: Tab Murphy
Gidoia: Irene Mecchi, Murphy, Jonathan Roberts, Bob Tzudiker & Noni White
Oinarria: Notre-Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo
Don Hahn
35 Hercules 1997ko ekainaren 27a Ron Clements & John Musker Gidoia: Clements, Donald McEnery, Irene Mecchi, Musker & Bob Shaw
Oinarria: Herkulesen greziar mitoa
Alice Dewey, Clements & Musker
36 Mulan 1998ko ekainaren 19a Tony Bancroft & Barry Cook Istorioa: Robert D. San Souci
Gidoia: Eugenia Bostwick-Singer, Rita Hsiao, Philip LaZebnik, Chris Sanders & Raymond Singer
Oinarria: Hua Mulan txinatar kondaira
Pam Coats
37 Tarzan 1999ko ekainaren 18a Chris Buck & Kevin Lima Gidoia: Tab Murphy, Bob Tzudiker & Noni White
Oinarria: Tarzan of the Apes, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bonnie Arnold
38 Fantasia 2000 1999ko abenduaren 16a James Algar, Paul & Gaëtan Brizzi, Hendel Butoy, Francis Glebas, Eric Goldberg, Don Hahn, & Pixote Hunt Oinarria: Den standhaftige tinsoldat, Hans Christian Andersen Roy E. Disney & Donald W. Ernst
39 Dinosaur 2000ko maiatzaren 19a Eric Leighton & Ralph Zondag Istorioa: Thom Enriquez, John Harrison, Robert Nelson Jacobs]& Zondag
Gidoia: Harrison & Jacobs
Pam Marsden
40 The Emperor's New Groove 2000ko abenduaren 15a Mark Dindal Istorioa: Dindal & Chris Williams
Gidoia: David Reynolds
Randy Fullmer
41 Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001eko ekainaren 15a Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise Istorioa: Tab Murphy, Trousdale, Joss Whedon, Wise, Bryce & Jackie Zabel
Gidoia: Murphy
Oinarria: Atlantidaren kondaira
Don Hahn
42 Lilo & Stitch 2002ko ekainaren 21a Dean DeBlois & Chris Sanders Istorioa/Gidoia: DeBlois & Sanders
Oinarria: Sandersen argitaratuko gabeko ipuin bat
Clark Spencer
43 Treasure Planet 2002ko azaroaren 27a Ron Clements & John Musker Istorioa: Clements, Ted Elliott, Musker & Terry Rossio
Gidoia: Clements, Rob Edwards & Musker
Oinarria: Altxor uhartea, Robert Louis Stevenson
Clements, Musker & Roy Conli
44 Brother Bear 2003ko azaroaren 1a Aaron Blaise & Robert Walker Gidoia: Steve Bencich, Lorne Cameron, Ron J. Friedman, David Hoselton & Tab Murphy Igor Khait & Chuck Williams
45 Home on the Range 2004ko apirilaren 2a Will Finn & John Sanford Istorioa: Finn, Mark Kennedy, Michael LaBash, Robert Lence, Sam Levine & Sanford
Gidoia: Finn & Sanford
Alice Dewey Goldstone
46 Chicken Little 2005eko azaroaren 4a Mark Dindal Istorioa: Dindal & Mark Kennedy
Gidoia: Ron Anderson, Steve Bencich & Ron J. Friedman
Inspirazioa: Henny Penny
Randy Fullmer
47 Meet the Robinsons 2007ko martxoaren 30a Stephen J. Anderson Gidoia: Anderson, Jon A. Bernstein, Nathan Greno, Hall, Joe Mateo, Aurian Redson & Michelle Spritz
Oinarria: A Day with Wilbur Robinson, William Joyce
Dorothy McKim
48 Bolt 2008ko azaroaren 21a Byron Howard & Chris Williams Gidoia: Dan Fogelman & Williams Clark Spencer
49 The Princess and the Frog 2009ko abenduaren 11 Ron Clements & John Musker Istorioa: Clements, Greg Erb, Musker & Jason Oremland
Gidoia: Clements, Rob Edwards & Musker
Inspirazioa: The Frog Princess, E. D. Baker
Peter Del Vecho
50 Tangled 2010eko azaroaren 24a Nathan Greno & Byron Howard Gidoia: Dan Fogelman
Oinarria: Rapunzel, Grimm anaiak
Roy Conli
51 Winnie the Pooh 2011ko uztailaren 15a Stephen J. Anderson & Don Hall Istorioa/Gidoia: Anderson, Clio Chiang, Don Dougherty, Hall, Kendelle Hoyer, Brian Kesinger, Nicole Mitchell & Jeremy Spears
Oinarria: Winnie the Pooh liburu-saila, A. A. Milne
Peter Del Vecho & Clark Spencer
52 Wreck-It Ralph 2012ko azaroaren 2a Rich Moore Istorioa: Phil Johnston, Moore & Jim Reardon
Gidoia: Johnston & Jennifer Lee
Clark Spencer
53 Frozen 2013ko azaroaren 27a Chris Buck & Jennifer Lee Istorioa: Buck, Lee & Shane Morris
Gidoia: Lee
Inspirazioa: Elur-erregina, Hans Christian Andersen
Peter Del Vecho
54 Big Hero 6 2014ko azaroaren 7a Don Hall & Chris Williams Gidoia: Robert L. Baird, Dan Gerson & Jordan Roberts
Oinarria: Big Hero 6, Man of Action
Roy Conli
55 Zootopia 2016ko martxoaren 4a Byron Howard & Rich Moore Istorioa: Jared Bush, Phil Johnston, Howard, Jennifer Lee, Moore, Jim Reardon & Josie Trinidad
Gidoia: Bush & Johnston
Clark Spencer
56 Moana 2016ko azaroaren 23a Ron Clements & John Musker Istorioa: Clements, Don Hall, Aaron & Jordan Kandell, Musker, Pamela Ribon & Chris Williams
Gidoia: Jared Bush
Inspirazioa: Māui hawaiiar mitoa
Osnat Shurer
57 Ralph Breaks the Internet 2018ko azaroaren 21a Phil Johnston & Rich Moore Istorioa: Johnston, Moore, Jim Reardon, Pamela Ribon & Josie Trinidad
Gidoia: Johnston & Ribon
Clark Spencer
58 Frozen II 2019ko azaroaren 22a Chris Buck & Jennifer Lee Istorioa: Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Buck, Lee, Robert Lopez & Marc E. Smith
Gidoia: Lee
Inspirazioa: Elur-erregina, Hans Christian Andersen
Peter Del Vecho
59 Raya and the Last Dragon 2021eko martxoaren 5a Don Hall & Carlos López Estrada Istorioa: Paul Briggs, Hall, Adele Lim, López Estrada, Kiel Murray, Qui Nguyen, John Ripa & Dean Wellins
Gidoia: Lim & Nguyen
Peter Del Vecho & Osnat Shurer
60 Encanto 2021eko azaroaren 24a Jared Bush & Byron Howard Istorioa: Bush, Jason Hand, Howard, Nancy Kruse, Lin-Manuel Miranda & Charise Castro Smith
Gidoia: Bush & Smith
Yvett Merino & Clark Spencer
61 Strange World 2022ko azaroaren 23a Don Hall Qui Nguyen Roy Conli
62 Wish 2023ko azaroaren 22a Chris Buck & Fawn Veerasunthorn Istorioa: Jennifer Lee, Buck, Veerasunthorn & Allison Moore
Gidoia: Lee & Moore
Peter Del Vecho & Juan Pablo Reyes
Disneyren animaziozko film klasikoak
Edurnezuri eta zazpi ipotxak  · Pinocchio · Fantasia · Dumbo · Bambi · Saludos Amigos · The Three Caballeros · Make Mine Music · Fun and Fancy Free · Melody Time · The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad · Cinderella · Alice in Wonderland · Peter Pan · Lady and the Tramp · Sleeping Beauty · One Hundred and One Dalmatians · The Sword in the Stone · The Jungle Book · The Aristocats · Robin Hood · The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh · The Rescuers · The Fox and the Hound · The Black Cauldron · The Great Mouse Detective · Oliver & Company · The Little Mermaid · The Rescuers Down Under · Beauty and the Beast · Aladdin · The Lion King · Pocahontas · The Hunchback of Notre Dame · Hercules · Mulan · Tarzan · Fantasia 2000 · The Emperor's New Groove · Atlantis: The Lost Empire · Lilo & Stitch · Treasure Planet · Brother Bear · Home on the Range · Chicken Little · Meet the Robinsons · Bolt · The Princess and the Frog · Tangled · Winnie the Pooh · Wreck-It Ralph · Frozen · Big Hero 6 · Zootopia · Moana · Ralph Breaks the Internet · Frozen II · Raya and the Last Dragon · Encanto